Real School Grant

Terms and Conditions

Real School Grants Program (“School Grant”, “School Grant Program”) is run by Real Insurance and as a condition of entry, the group entrant (“You”) will be bound by the following Terms and Conditions.

Chance plays no part in determining the Winner. Each entry will be individually judged, and the Winner(s) will be chosen based on merit.


  1. The Promoter is Real Insurance (“the Promoter”, “We”, “Us”), a trading name of Greenstone Financial Services Pty Ltd (GFS) (ABN 53 128 692 884, AFSL No. 343079). The Promoter assesses and awards the Grant in its sole discretion.

The challenge

  1. To apply for the Grant, You will need to write a description (maximum 700 words) on what your school and/or school-group would do with the allocated grant and how it will benefit your students and community.
  2. We are looking for submissions that reflect a real desire to improve the quality of schools/teachers and communities. It doesn’t have to be great prose, just honest and from the heart, so start thinking about the real reasons You have chosen to nominate your chosen school and write down in words, why.
  3. Each entrant must specify how they would use the Grant funds provided and how it would benefit the school and/or community.
  4. Each entry that is submitted must meet at least one of the eligibility criteria below:
    1. Health - clearly provide intent and evidence of planned work(s) that would promote the health of the intended beneficiaries. Where past works have been concluded, please include as evidence in your submission.
    2. Learning & Development - clearly outline the plan of learning or research outcome that would lead to an improved outcome and development.
    3. Information & Technology - provide a justified summary of a current lack of access to information and/or technology (including online/remote learning tools) that would prove highly useful for intended beneficiaries.
    4. Community & Infrastructure - clearly provide intent and evidence of planned work(s) that would promote a positive or improved outcome for the intended beneficiaries. Where past works have been concluded, please include as evidence in your submission.
    ‘Beneficiaries’ have to be associated directly with the applying school and/or school group. All grant funds must and should go towards intent per submission.

Eligible entrants

  1. Entry is open to citizens or permanent residents of Australia aged 18 and over at the date they submit their entry who satisfy all of the following conditions:
    1. They are associated with an Australian public school (school) or a school-group or a school association (as defined in clause 7); and
    2. They have fulfilled the requirements of these terms and conditions in their entirety.
  2. School groups may include registered or unregistered associations/groups relating to a registered Australian public school. Where an unregistered school-group may be applying, evidence that the group is genuine is to be provided by submitting a letter from a senior member of staff from the school on official school letterhead/document that attests to the existence of the group and that it is endorsed by the teaching body of that school.
  3. Immediate family members including the spouse, de-facto spouse, parent, guardian, child or sibling (“Immediate Family Members”) of a Real Insurance employee are ineligible to enter as the lead and/or primary applicant for the grant. Employees, and Immediate Family Members of GFS are also ineligible to enter as the lead and/or primary applicant for the grant. Where an applying group may include a GFS employee or immediate family member of a GFS employee, it would be assessed per case basis at the time of judging.
  4. Applications on behalf of schools and/or school groups/committees must not be aligned to any specific section of the community or cultural/ethnic background.

How to enter

  1. Eligible entrants must submit their entry (application) during the Entry Period (defined below under “When to enter”) by submitting their application by email to
  2. Entries must include:
    1. Proof of Identification of the lead applicant;
    2. Name and address of nominated school;
    3. Confirm whether you are applying as a school;
    4. Proof of genuinity in case of an unregistered school group;
    5. Images of school-group;
    6. Any/all evidence of planned works for which you’re seeking the grant;
    7. In case of an unregistered school-group, an undertaking letter signed on an official school letterhead by everyone in the entrant group; and
    8. Your response to “the Challenge” (maximum word count is 700 words).
  3. Any entries to this Grant Program must be the entrant’s original work. If an entry is found to be plagiarised, whether wholly or a substantial part, it will be disqualified from this Real School Grant Program. This clause is active despite any communication of the result of the Real School Grant Program.

When to enter

  1. The entry period for 2025 closes 31 October, 2025 at 23:59pm (“Entry Period”). All times noted in these Terms and Conditions are based on Sydney, (AEST). Please note that the entry period for 2024 is now closed.


  1. The Winner of the Grant will be selected on the basis of the best written entry by a panel of judges. Judging will take place from 15 November, 2025.
  2. The Promoter may select additional entries to be used as replacements in the event that the first entrant chosen as a Winner cannot satisfy these Terms and Conditions or take the Grant.
  3. The Winner for the 2025 Grant will be notified by email and phone, and their name will be published on our website on 2 February, 2026.

Number of entries permitted

  1. Eligible schools can enter multiple entries.

The Grant

  1. Total Grant value of up to AUD $5,000 in a financial year. This will be paid directly to the Australian Bank Account of the eligible school or registered school-group by the Promoter. Where the winning entrant is an unregistered school-group, the grant may be paid to the school or the primary applicant of the group by providing an undertaking letter signed on an official school letterhead by everyone in the entrant group.

Unclaimed Grant

  1. If the Promoter is unable to contact the winning school within four weeks of the Winner announcement to claim fulfilment of the Grant and of our initial contact attempt (approximately 1 December 2025), that Winner will forfeit the Grant in its entirety and it shall be awarded to the next runner up in the School Grant Program. The Promoter will not be liable for a Winner who cannot be contacted.
  2. Once a formal offer of the Grant is made, Winners will be required to provide funding account details and any requested documents to the Promoter within 30 business days of receiving the offer.

Further Terms and Conditions – general

  1. The entrant agrees and acknowledges that they have read these Terms and Conditions and that entry into the Grant Program is deemed to be acceptance of these Terms and Conditions in full.
  2. If any person appearing in any photograph (if used for entering the Grant Program or any part of any entry) is 18 years old or over, You warrant that You have informed them of the nature and likely use of the photograph, and have their consent to do so, prior to submission. If any person appearing in the photograph is under the age of 18, You warrant that You have informed their parent or guardian of the nature and likely use of the photograph, and have the parent or guardian’s consent to do so, prior to submission.
  3. Each entrant warrants they have copyright, and other intellectual property rights, for the comments or images submitted for the purposes of their entry and as part of their entry, and provides a license to the Promoter to use the comments in future advertising campaigns and for remarketing purposes. This license is non-revocable except with the express consent of the Promoter. Each Grant entrant holds the Promoter harmless for any liabilities associated with the unauthorised use of any content or image that has been included in their entry.
  4. Any eligible entrant who, in the opinion of the Promoter, tampers or interferes with the entry mechanism in any way, engages in any unlawful or improper conduct which jeopardises or is likely to jeopardise the fair or proper conduct of the Grant, or who does not properly comply with the entry process, will be ineligible to receive the Grant or enter further Grant Programs run by the Promoter.
  5. If this Grant is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion and to the fullest extent permitted by law to: (a) disqualify any entrant or claimant; or (b) modify, suspend, terminate, or cancel the Grant Program, as appropriate.
  6. The Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who the Promoter has reason to believe has breached any of these Terms and Conditions, or engaged in any unlawful or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the Grant Program. The Promoter’s legal rights to recover damages or other compensation from such an offender are reserved.
  7. If for any reason this Grant Program is not capable of running as planned, including due to (but not limited to) infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures or any other causes beyond the control of the Promoter, which corrupt or affect the administration security, fairness or integrity or proper conduct of this Grant Program, the Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, and, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Grant Program.
  8. Entrants’ personal information will be collected by the Promoter. Personal information will be stored on the Promoter’s database. The Promoter may use this information for future marketing purposes regarding its products, including contacting the entrant electronically. The Promoter is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and its privacy policy (“The Privacy Policy”) which is located at The Promoter’s privacy policy contains information about how the entrant may access, update and seek correction of the personal information the Promoter holds about them and how the entrant may complain about any potential breach by the Promoter of the Australian Privacy Principles or any other Australian privacy laws and how such complaints will be dealt with. The Promoter collects personal information about entrants to enable them to participate in this Grant Program and may disclose the entrants’ personal information to third parties including its contractors and agents, prize suppliers and service providers to assist in conducting this Grant Program. If the entrant does not provide their personal information as requested, they may be ineligible to enter or claim the award in the Grants Program. Personal information collected from entrants will not be disclosed to any entity located outside of Australia. By entering the Grant Program You consent to Us using and disclosing your personal information in accordance with The Privacy Policy and as set out in these Terms and Conditions.
  9. All entrants must, if requested by the Promoter, cooperate with the Promoter in relation to publicity initiatives regarding the Grant Program. Details of successful entrants (including, but not limited to: biographical information such as their name, home state, and any photo or video footage of them produced in connection with the Grant Program; the value of the Grant awarded; and a brief description of the purpose for the Grant) may be released by the Promoter to the public and the media, and may be placed on the Promoter’s or other appropriate websites (including various social media platforms), for promotional purposes and administering the Grant Program.
  10. All entrants must only submit their own original answers. Any such answers cannot be previously published in any forum worldwide. All entries become the property of the Promoter and cannot be returned. Entries that are found to have been derived from a third party will be considered invalid and, if awarded the Grant, the Grant value must be returned to the Promoter.
  11. The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to validate and check the authenticity of entries and entrant’s details (including an entrant’s identity, age and place of residence and school eligibility). In the event that a Winner cannot provide suitable proof, the Winner will forfeit the Grant in whole and no substitute will be offered. Incomplete, indecipherable, incorrect and illegible entries, as applicable, will at the Promoter’s discretion be deemed invalid and not eligible to win. Entries containing offensive or defamatory comments, or which breach any law or infringe any third party rights, including intellectual property rights, are not eligible to win. The Promoter reserves the right to rejudge in the event of an entrant, claiming to be a Winner, being unable to satisfy these Terms and Conditions.
  12. The judges’ decision in relation to any aspect of the Grant Program is final and binding on each person who enters. Chance plays no part in determining any Winner. No correspondence will be entered into. No responsibility is accepted for late, lost or misdirected entries.
  13. The Promoter reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions if this Grant cannot be run as originally planned. The Promoter may also cancel or suspend this Grant Program if an event beyond the control of the Promoter corrupts or affect the administration security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this program. The Promoter will disqualify any individual who has tampered with the entry process or any other aspect of this Grant Program.
  14. The promoter and its associated agencies and companies will not be liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence or wilful misconduct) in connection with this Grant Program or accepting or using any Grant (or recommendation), except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).
  15. The entrant will participate in and co-operate as required with all reasonable marketing and editorial activities relating to the Promotion, including (but not limited to) being recorded, photographed, filmed or interviewed and acknowledges that the Promoter may use any such marketing and editorial material without further reference or compensation to them.
  16. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax implications and the entrant must seek their own independent financial advice in regards to the tax implications relating to the Grant or acceptance of the Grant.
  17. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of these rights.
  18. Failure to adhere to these requirements and Terms and Conditions may result in the offer of a Grant being withdrawn or, if awarded the Grant, the value of the Grant being returned to the Promoter.