Get your house in order in the New Year

Everyone has jobs around the house that they keep putting off year after year. So why not use your New Year’s resolutions to focus on organising your home in 2014? And if you’re not sure where to begin, here are five tips to help you get the ball rolling.
1. Make a plan
Before you dive in, think realistically about what you want to achieve, your budget and how much time you’re willing to devote to organising your house. If you approach sorting out your home in a haphazard way, you could end up with more half-finished handyman projects and unsorted piles of junk than you had before you began.
2. Attack the clutter
Everyone has things in their home they don’t need and that just take up space. Hoarding unnecessary clutter can also lead to unsanitary living conditions and even safety risks that could cause fire, slips or falls. If you have the time and the space, one option is to take all your belongings from each room into the backyard and sort through them one by one. Then, only allow yourself to take things back inside that you really need. You could also consider selling unwanted items on eBay, or having a garage sale. What’s more, you could be surprised at the positive effect an uncluttered home can have on your mental wellbeing.
3. Out with the old
Lots of people hate getting rid of their old belongings that they feel have sentimental value – but ask yourself, would you really miss that shoebox full of old birthday cards if it was gone? And as for that jacket you haven’t worn in a decade, does it really need to be hanging in the cupboard, or is it time to give it to charity? Even with belongings that you do have sentimental attachment to, you might find that you’re happy enough just taking a digital photo of them.
4. Finish the unfinished
Do you have any maintenance projects you keep putting off, or ones that you’ve started but haven’t finished? Whether it’s a case of painting the bathroom, fixing a wobbly shelf, or even just oiling a rusty hinge, there are probably plenty of home improvements you never seem to get around to doing. Make a list of the things that need to be done, and start with the ones you can knock over quickly. By jumping over that first psychological hurdle, you can build up momentum and really start making progress. And as you cross things off your to-do list, you’ll enjoy a great sense of achievement while giving your home a facelift.
5. Protect your property
Do you have home and contents insurance to protect you financially if your house gets damaged or your valuables are stolen? And if so, do you have enough to cover repair or replacement costs if the unexpected happens? If you have a ‘set and forget’ attitude to your home and contents insurance, you may be at risk of being underinsured, especially if you’ve done any renovations or made expensive purchases since you first took out your cover.
That’s why it’s important to review the value of your insurance each year when you renew your policy. And if you’re looking to save on protecting your home and valuables, why not consider switching to Real Insurance, winner of Money magazine’s 2013 award for the cheapest home and contents insurance? With Real Insurance, you can get affordable cover whether you own or rent your home, and you can even save more by buying your insurance online.
So why not compare home and contents insurance quotes today, and begin the New Year with the right level of protection for your home!
30 Jan 2014