Emergency accommodation cover

Most of us can only imagine the distress caused when your home is severely damaged by a flood, fire, cyclone or another unfortunate event. For most of us, the shock at seeing our home damaged would soon be overtaken by stress about where you and your family would sleep that night and in the months that follow while your home is being rebuilt.
Luckily, the home insurance offered by Real Insurance includes emergency accommodation cover as standard on our policies.
When your home is insured and a claim for loss or damage is covered under the policy and you cannot safely reside in your home because of loss or damage caused, we will pay for reasonable temporary accommodation costs. Let us know before incurring any costs so we can agree the cover applies and that costs are reasonable.
We will cover you for the lesser of 12 months rent or 10% or your home sum insured.
You can get an online quote for home insurance including our emergency accommodation cover as standard from Real Insurance.
15 May 2012