Learn about Home and Contents Insurance

Want to better understand home and contents insurance? The article below provides an overview of home and contents insurance and all that it offers

What is home and contents insurance?

Home and contents insurance is financial protection for your home and the items inside it. Home building insurance protects the house that you live in and its fixtures. This includes the roof, walls and flooring. If they are ever damaged or destroyed, home insurance should cover the cost of repair or replacement.

Contents insurance protects the possessions within the house, including clothing and furniture. You have the option to take out both home and contents insurance, or just one.

How much does home and contents insurance cost?

The cost of your home and content insurance depends on many factors including:

  • Where you live
  • What your house and its contents are valued at
  • What materials your house is made of
  • When the house was built
  • Whether you want a high or low amount of cover
  • How often you have made claims on insurance

What does home and contents insurance cover?

Home and contents insurance is financial protection for your home and the items inside it. Home building insurance protects the house that you live in and its fixtures. This includes the roof, walls and flooring. If they are ever damaged or destroyed, home insurance should cover the cost of repair or replacement.

Contents insurance protects the possessions within the house, including clothing and furniture. You have the option to take out both home and content insurance, or just one.

What’s not covered by home and contents insurance?

Each home and contents policy is different and as such in order to best understand what is not covered it is best to check with your provider.

Any advice is general only and does not take into consideration your personal circumstances. Before acting on any information contained in this article you should consider if the advice is appropriate for your personal objectives, financial situation and needs.