Cyclone warning signs

Heed the government warnings and create an evacuation plan. If unable to evacuate, please follow the tips below to stay safe.

How to stay safe in a cyclone (as advised by) Queensland SES

Stay in the strongest room of your house:

  • Ground level (only if your home is more than 4 meters above sea level if near coast)
  • This should be a room that has as many walls between you and outside as possible
  • Small and enclosed with little furniture and few windows
  • Tape and lock windows
  • Close shutters and curtains

If your building starts to break apart:

  • Stay under mattress or rug to stay safe from flying objects
  • Hold on to solid fixtures
  • Remain indoors if possible.

Other essential tips:

  • Keep your pets with you inside the home where possible
  • Park vehicles under solid shelter or in a totally clear area away from standing timber (trees)
  • Keep outdoor furniture in your pool or inside the home where possible
  • Keep battery powered radio with you to listen for updates and disconnect all electrical appliances
  • Charge your mobile phone fully prior to the storm, try to have a spare phone on standby if possible
  • Untie any animals as late as possible, to help them survive, if threatened by flooding

Have an evacuation kit ready in a large plastic container and seal edges with tape, containing:

  • Fresh drinking water
  • Torches (flashlights) and extra batteries
  • Canned food
  • First aid kit and any necessary medicines
  • Nappies and baby formula
  • Change of practical clothes

During the eye of the storm winds will slow and calm. This does not mean the storm is over as once the eye passes the winds will pick up again in opposite direction. Do not leave the safety of your home or secure location until advised by authorities.

Turn off power, gas, and water before the cyclone hits.